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Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050

Our Environmental Challenge 2050, announced in 2015, comprises six separate “challenges” that cover every aspect of our business, our exploration of new products and technologies, and our role as an enabler for individuals and communities to learn about and improve the natural world around them.

    New Vehicle Zero CO2 Emissions

    Our New Vehicle Zero CO2 challenge is to reduce the CO2 emissions from our vehicles by 90 per cent by 2050, compared to the levels we had in 2010.

    To do this we will make our conventionally powered models more fuel-efficient and we will promote the development of next-generation vehicles with low or zero carbon emissions, including hybrid, plug-in hybrid, electric and fuel cell vehicles.

    Cars that use cleaner, alternative fuels can only have an impact when they are taken up by the public in large numbers, so we will work to make them widely available and encourage development of the infrastructure – filling stations and charging points, for example – needed to support their use.


    Life Cycle Zero CO2 Emissions

    With our Lifecycle Zero CO2 Emissions Challenge we want to do more than eliminate the C02 emissions produced when we make vehicles and when our customers drive them.

    We want to remove carbon emissions from the manufacturing of the materials and parts we use, from our logistics activities and from the disposal and recycling methods employed when vehicles reach the end of their lifecycle.

    To do this we will work on more environmentally friendly designs that use lower carbon raw materials and fewer parts. We will make greater use of bio-materials from renewable sources and make our vehicles easier to dismantle and recycle.


    Plant Zero CO2 Emissions

    Cars do not only produce CO2 emissions when you drive them, they are generated during their production in our factories as well.

    To help restrain climate change, we have a strategy for achieving zero CO2 emissions in our manufacturing plants, focusing on improving the technologies we use and switching to alternative power sources.

    We will rationalise our manufacturing processes, making them shorter so that less CO2 is produced. We will make our facilities more energy-efficient and adopt renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, and low-carbon power such as hydrogen energy.


    Minimising and Optimising Water Usage

    The world’s water needs are growing fast, so it is vitally important to conserve supplies by reducing the amount we use to make our products, and recycling as much as we can.

    We are beginning to collect rainwater at our manufacturing sites to reduce the amount our factories have to take from ground water or the piped supply. We have also developed purification methods so that the water we do use can be used again, or returned safety into the local supply network.

    As the water environment differs greatly across the global regions where we operate, we will take care to introduce measures that are sensitive to local needs.


    Establishing a Recycling-based Society and Systems

    Increasing populations, economic growth and the desire for more convenient lifestyles all put growing pressure on natural resources and create more waste.

    We want to help build an ideal resource/recycling-based society, working in four key areas: making greater use of eco-friendly materials; designing and using longer-lasting parts; developing more effective and thorough recycling technologies; and using more of the materials recovered when a vehicle is disposed of to make new ones.

    We have more than 40 years’ experience in ideas and innovations in this area and are committed to achieving even better results in the future.


    Establishing a Future Society in Harmony with Nature

    To preserve and enhance our co-existence with nature, we need to conserve our forests and other rich eco-systems.

    We operate projects – large and small – around the world, at all levels of our organisation, to support our aim of “enriching lives of communities,” organising reforestation and tree planting, green urban schemes and other environmental initiatives at our own sites and externally.

    We will use the insights we have gained to play an active part in improving environmental education and raising awareness to help build a society where people live in harmony with the natural world.